Take more shots.

Photography is my passion, not my profession. I always have a camera on me and take photos every day. I photograph everyday life, capturing images as I go about my day, moment to moment.

For me, photography is not just a craft, it’s my lifestyle. It pushes me to do and see more, to have more experiences, to take more shots.

The story of my life.

Because my photography is personal in nature, my photos tell the story of my life. How I spend my time. Who I spend it with. Where I go, what I see. What’s important to me. What I find beautiful. What I focus on.

In the moment.

Photography is all about mindfulness. You can’t photograph the past or the future. The camera can only capture what is happening right now. Photography keeps me grounded in the present moment and challenges me to see things that are easily missed with life’s daily distractions.

Life is what you focus on.