A Moment with Rocky

I’m home alone with the dogs on weekdays so we spend a lot of time together. I often talk out loud to them when it’s just us, sharing my stream of consciousness. I have no idea if they understand what I’m saying but it seems to help me process my thoughts.

Today, as Rocky and I headed out for his weekly day trip, this time to Willow Metropark, I was talking about life being short. This is something dogs seem to instinctively understand, possibly because their lifespan is so much shorter than ours.

As my mind wandered on the topic, I realized there is a dichotomy there. On one hand, I want to linger in the present moment, taking the time to fully experience it, knowing life’s fleeting nature. On the other hand, I want to fit more things into each day, feeling this is the only way to experience everything I want to do in life before my time is up.

There is a balance to strike there and I often find myself making course corrections in one direction or the other. In today’s photos, Rocky is a role model for soaking up the present moment, and I’m able to put life’s distractions aside to linger and enjoy it with him.


Just a chick who loves lifting weights, dogs and classic rock!


Surprise Encounter


Rain or Shine with Ringo